12. Otten, J.G., I.T. Clifton, D.F. Becker, and J.M. Refsnider. (Accepted). Here comes the sun: thermoregulatory behavior in ectotherms illuminated with light-level geolocators. Journal of Zoology.
11. Alujević, K., L. Bakewell, I.T. Clifton, C.L. Cox, L.O. Frishkoff, E.J. Gangloff, G. Garcia-Costoya, M.E. Gifford, M. Glenwinkel, S. Gulati, A. Head, M. Miles, C. Pettit, C.M. Watson, K.L. Wuthrich, and M.L. Logan. 3D printed models are an accurate, cost-effective, and reproducible tool for quantifying terrestrial thermal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology. PDF
10. Clifton, I.T., M.R. Duffy, S.B. Hudson, C.D. Robinson, E.E. Virgin, S.S. French, K.E. McCluney, and J.M. Refsnider. Compensation for exposure to increased environmental temperatures is costly in a montane, desert lizard. Journal of Arid Environments. PDF
9. Clifton, I.T., N.D. Gripshover, A.G. Amador, W. Aquino, J. Fernandez, M. Mathieu, A. Menendez, C. Quintana, S. Rhoades, G. Suarez, and C.L. Cox. Bite or flight? Behavioral interactions between bark anoles and brown anoles in their nonnative range. Journal of Zoology. PDF
8. Clifton, I.T., and J.M. Refsnider. Temporal climatic variability predicts thermal tolerance in two sympatric lizard species. Journal of Thermal Biology. PDF
7. Clifton, I.T., A.J. Bagrowski, E.T. Morrissey, and J.M. Refsnider. Thermal biology does not vary with body size in greater short-horned lizards (Phrynosoma hernandesi). Herpetological Review.
6. Refsnider, J.M. T.K. Vazquez, I.T. Clifton, D.M. Jayawardena, and S.A. Heckathorn. Cellular and whole-organism effects of prolonged versus acute heat stress in a montane, desert lizard. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A. PDF
5. Clifton, I.T., J.D. Chamberlain, and M.E.Gifford. Role of phenotypic plasticity in morphological differentiation between water snake populations. Integrative Zoology. PDF
4. Refsnider, J.M., I.T. Clifton, and T.K. Vazquez. Developmental plasticity of thermal ecology traits in reptiles: Trends, potential benefits, and research needs. Journal of Thermal Biology. PDF
3. Refsnider, J.M., S.S. Qian, H.M. Streby, S.E. Carter, I.T. Clifton, A.D. Siefker, and T.K. Vazquez. Reciprocally-transplanted lizards along an elevational gradient match light-environment use of local lizards via phenotypic plasticity. Functional Ecology. PDF
2. Chamberlain, J.D., I.T. Clifton, and M.E. Gifford. Influence of prey size on reproduction among populations of diamond-backed watersnakes (Nerodia rhombifer). Canadian Journal of Zoology. PDF
1. Clifton, I.T., J.D. Chamberlain, and M.E. Gifford. Patterns of morphological variation following colonization of a novel prey environment. Journal of Zoology. PDF